How to Hop Cider

Today you will learn how to hop cider in just a few minutes. You can do this a few ways just like beer.

You can add hops in the boil or you can dry hop as well. Both work and will add different flavors.

If you’ve never dry hopped a homebrew before check out this video on how to dry hop.

How to Dry Hop Homebrew

It literally takes a few minutes and adds so much flavor and aroma to any brew.

Directions on adding hops to cider:

Adding hops to the boil.

  1. Fill kettle with desired amount of cider.
  2. Bring cider to a boil.
  3. Add hops.
  4. Boil for 15 minutes.
  5. Cool to room temperature.
  6. Pitch yeast and ferment for 2 weeks.
  7. Bottle and condition 2 more weeks.
  8. Pop and enjoy.

Dry hopping.

  1. Add cider to fermenter and pitch yeast.
  2. Ferment 1 week.
  3. After 1 week dry hop by adding hops to fermenter or transferring to secondary.
  4. Wait up to 1 week and bottle.
  5. Condition 2 weeks.
  6. Pop and enjoy.

See the video below on how to hop cider:

It literally takes a few minutes and adds so much flavor and aroma to any brew.

The flavor of hopped cider is very unique and delicious! Hopping your cider is so easy I suggest you give it a try right now!

You can even order the ingredients online so you can make hopped cider without leaving the house.

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Apple Cider (Paid Link)

Cider Yeast (Paid Link)

Glass Jug Fermenter (Paid Link)

Cascade Hops (Paid Link)

Hard Cider Kit

If you’re just getting into homebrewing and don’t have equipment yet I suggest getting a kit. Here are some I recommend.

Homebrew kit 1

Homebrew Kit 2

Homebrew Kit 3

If you like cider try this gluten free homebrew made from sorghum syrup.